The Basics
As a staff member, you are expected to follow a certain set of guidelines in order to maintain your staff position here at Arkansas State Roleplay. We expect all staff members to acknowledge these guidelines and follow these guidelines at all times. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in staff discipline.
As a staff member here at Arkansas State Roleplay we expect you to have good spelling, grammar, and punctuation and expect you to utilize these skills you have. You are required to use SPaG when moderating in the game and when handling any form of ticket. Failure to adhere to this guideline will result in staff discipline.
As a staff member, you are required to be active and go on shifts (more information about the activity can be found on the activity guide page). You must use Melonly when starting your shift so high-ranked members can see that you are online and so that you get the "Currently Moderating" role. When on shift you are required to be responding to mod calls and interacting with the community. You cannot be AFK while on shift or be unresponsive when on shift. To ensure that the community is not filled with staff members that are on-duty, we have a limit of the allowed staff members that are on duty at a time.
Under 15 people: 1 staff member
20-25 people: 2 staff members
26-33 people: 4 people
34 people+: Max of 8 people
Please note that if the player counts drops, you have a five-minute grace period to end your shift. If then staff members who are on duty are not able to decide who needs to go off-duty, the staff member(s) that has the longest overall shift time must go off-duty.
50/50 Policy
As a staff member you may request permission to 50/50. Your request must be approved before you start to 50/50. You're allowed to request to 50/50 moderate when there are more than 15 players in game, not many mod calls and the server is relatively calm. If the server is chaos then you are not allowed to 50/50 moderate. Your quota must also be completed in order to request to 50/50 moderate. Your request must be approved by Directive in order to start 50/50 moderating
Management+ don't require permission to 50/50 moderate.
Staff Drama
As a staff member, you are to not start any arguments with other staff members in #staff-chat or any other channel in the Discord server. If you think a staff member is violating the staff code of conduct or any guidelines found here please open an Internal Affairs ticket and report their actions there. Failure to adhere to this guideline will result in staff discipline such as a termination and/or a staff blacklist.
Command Usage
As a staff member, you gain access to moderation/administration commands in the game. These commands shall only be used for moderation purposes and abuse will result in your permissions being revoked. You are not allowed to use commands off duty as a staff member (management team members are exempt). You must receive permission from a management team member+ to use a custom :h or :m command. Premade ones can be found bellow.
Roleplay Related
Moderation Related
:m Priority is now enabled. Do not commit any crimes or commit any shooting while the priority timer is enabled. Failure to adhere to this will result in a kick from the server! An announcement will be made when priority is disabled.
:m Priority is now disabled. You are allowed to commit crimes now. Please remember to follow all of our server rules while roleplaying. Remember you must call a moderator when you will be committing a large response crime.
:m A server shutdown has commenced due to various reasons. You will shortly be kicked from our server, please do not rejoin.
:m Our staff team has noticed an increase in unrealistic and crazy driving. Please ensure you are following traffic laws and breaking a reasonable amount of traffic violations. You should not be ramming into vehicles, etc.
:m Our staff team has noticed a increase in unwhitelisted users using unmarked cars. Please remember that unmarked vehicles are only for our whitelisted officers!
Staff members who are on duty in uniform and using a liveried staff vehicle are required to utilize certain callsigns so that they are identifiable. All staff callsigns must be S-XXX . In this scenario, you would replace "XXX" with any 3 numbers of your choosing. Please note that you cannot utilize anything from 0-300 to prevent conflict with other department callsigns.
If a member of the community is utilizing a 3-number callsign or a callsign that starts with "S", please ask them to remove it.
Last updated