Who can access general support tickets?
Senior Administrators+ are allowed to access general support tickets and answer support-related questions there. You are expected to use SPaG and remain professional when speaking in tickets and dealing with tickets. If a member is attempting to report a staff member DO NOT deal with it yourself instead direct them to an Internal Affairs ticket.
Who can access Internal Affairs support tickets?
Internal Affairs+ are allowed to access Internal Affairs support tickets. These tickets are used for appealing staff infractions & to make staff complaints. Anything that is in an Internal Affairs ticket should STAY in the ticket and not be talked about in other channels. Staff complaints should be investigated properly ensuring you have proof of a violation of the staff code of conduct. Appeals should be looked into and ensure that the staff member appealing the infraction provides a good enough reason & proof in order to revoke said infraction.
Who can access Management support tickets?
Management+ are allowed to access the management support tickets. These tickets should be only used for issues that management members can only handle. Staff reports should not go in management tickets instead they should go to Internal Affairs. This category is used to claim giveaways, perks, and other community-related things.
Can I claim a ticket I have access to?
Yes! Please claim the ticket before speaking inside the ticket. This ensures that there will be no duplicate responses and that only one staff member assists the member (as this is what we want). Remember to always claim before answering the ticket.
Do I need to use SPaG when responding to a ticket?
Yes! You are required to use SPaG when responding to any ticket such as a General Support or an Internal Affairs ticket. This falls back to our SPaG policy and you can and will be infracted if you feel to adhere to this policy.
Last updated